Certificate in Women’s Studies

Southwestern Women

Certificate in Women’s Studies

Get equipped to minister to women, within the church and throughout your community.

The purpose of the Certificate in Women’s Studies is to help women gain a foundation for biblical theology of womanhood and gender roles, as well as becoming equipped to recognize and address contemporary issues impacting women today.

Certificate Highlights

  • 12 hours
  • 4 courses
  • Available online and in person
  • Courses qualify for graduate and undergraduate credit

The purpose of the Certificate in Women’s Studies is to help women gain a foundation for biblical theology of womanhood and gender roles, as well as becoming equipped to recognize and address contemporary issues impacting women today.

The Certificate in Women’s Studies can be acquired by completing 12 hours of course credit. This is accomplished by completing four 3-hour courses taught by Southwestern faculty and other experts in the field of women’s ministry. Courses are available online and in a traditional schedule format at the Fort Worth campus. It is possible to complete the program in two years. Courses may also be taken for credit in Southwestern’s master’s or baccalaureate programs.

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Certificate Tracks

Choose 4 courses:

WOMST 3113 Biblical Theology of Womanhood

A study of the biblical passages relevant to a theology of womanhood and gender in order to form a culturally informed, theologically consistent interpretation and to discover application for one’s personal life and ministry. Three Hours.

WOMST 4103 Feminism in Church and Culture

A study of the philosophical foundations of feminist thought within its historical and social contexts, including its effect on culture and the Church. Three Hours.

WOMST 4003 Ministry to Women

A study of a biblical model of ministry to women in a variety of contexts with a focus on a biblical foundation, leadership issues and considerations for women as well as the practical outworking of the tasks of a woman-to-woman ministry. Three Hours.

WOMST 4043 Intro to Expository Teaching

A study of the oral presentation of a biblical text. Basic principles of communication will be studied and applied in a speaking experience, including the formulating of a central idea and structure developed from a text, audience analysis, support material, delivery, and application. Special attention will be given to the area of woman-to-woman communication. Three Hours.

WOMST 4123 Contemporary Issues in Women and Gender Studies

This course equips students to identify and respond to debates concerning women and gender from a theological framework for the purpose of articulating a culturally informed theology of womanhood and gender. Three Hours.

WOMST 4063 Women’s Dignity and Global Concerns

This course establishes a biblical and theological framework for the dignity of women, giving special attention to the Old Testament law and its relevance to women, as well as studies worldwide concerns that affect women. Three Hours.

One WOMIN XXX3 Elective

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