Campus Technology: Training

Training for Students


SWBTS utilizes Zoom video conferencing software for all Flexible, Synchronous Live, and Flex-Access courses. We require all Flexible, Synchronous Live, and Flex-Access students to do a TechCheck with Campus Technology before each semester.

TechChecks include training in Zoom and checking the student’s technology and network to ensure they have the best experience possible. To set up a TechCheck contact Campus Technology (; 817-921-8555) or stop by our office (RB6 – Memorial Building).

Training for Faculty

Classroom Technology Training

At SWBTS, our classrooms come equipped with a variety of technology that serve various purposes. Training for faculty and TAs is an important part of providing a great classroom experience for students.

We are happy to schedule a time to train you on how to use the technology in the classrooms you will be using. To set up a classroom technology training, contact Campus Technology (; 817-921-8555) or stop by the Help Desk (RB6 – Memorial Building).

Classroom Software Training

SWBTS uses, Zoom, Microsoft Stream, and Blackboard for the online aspects of Flexible, Synchronous Live, Flex-Access courses.

Whether it is Zoom, Microsoft Stream, or Blackboard that you would like help learning, we are happy to arrange a training to show you everything that you will need to know to use them effectively for your class. Contact Campus Technology (; 817-921-8555) or stop by the Help Desk (RB6 – Memorial Building) to set up a classroom software training.


Campus Technology offers faculty workshops twice a year, once during the summer before the Fall semester and another during the winter break before the Spring semester. These workshops provide training and instruction on various technologies that faculty can utilize in class to benefit their students.

Got Questions?

Reach out to our Campus Technology team
(817) 921-8555 |